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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Spinout on 121 kills driver

Unsafe speed and wet pavement played a part in the death of a driver involved in a solo-vehicle car crash Wednesday morning. Sharad Saleh, 56, of Sonoma, lost control of his Mercedes 320 driving southbound on Highway 121, according to the California Highway Patrol. Approaching... Continue

Carlomagno’s first 100 days

  April 22 marked 100 days at the helm for Sonoma Valley Unified School District Superintendent Louann Carolomagno. The Sun met with Louann in the district offices to talk about what she’s accomplished so far, her goals for the upcoming year and how she feels... Continue


Selma Blanusa and her team of fifth graders took the coveted "Lunchbox" trophy during today's rendition of "Are you Smarter Than a fifth Grader." The event, put on by the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation, was a fundraiser that included the game show - complete with... Continue

Hospital cancels pay cut

Cautiously optimistic after a few months of good economic news, administrators Sonoma Valley Hospital administrators have lifted a five percent pay cut levied December 13. The five percent will reinstated with the pay period beginning May 2. A furlough policy applying to other employees will... Continue

Murder-suicide suspected in Sonoma deaths

UPDATE: The couple found dead in their Sonoma apartment Wednesday have been identified as Diana Reinfeld, age 78, and Stanley Reinfeld, age 77. Cause of death in the suspected murder-suicide was apparently a gunshot wound, according to the latest Sheriff Department report. An autopsy is... Continue

Volunteers of all ages find rewarding work at hospital

It was her 90th birthday but on the subject of gifts, Madge Ward wanted to talk about the rewards of volunteering. The 10-year veteran volunteer celebrated with fellow Sonoma Valley Hospital Auxiliary members who gathered for a party in her honor. Over cake and punch... Continue

A composter for every school, compliments of Outdora

The local company Outdora is helping Sonoma schools go green by donating eleven composters to the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation to distribute to each school in the district.  The gift is part of an initiative to educate Valley children on the ecological benefits of composting... Continue

School board examines move to solar, other green power

At a special board meeting held last Saturday, administrators from the Sonoma Valley Unified School District and the school board met with the Santa Rosa-based firm of Quattrocchi Kwok Architects to discuss ways in which the district can move towards using increased levels of green... Continue

Sanders unfazed as opponent snags party endorsement

Noreen Evans, the three-time Assembly member now running for state senator, has been officially endorsed by the California Democratic Party. The news came as no surprise to her local opponent, Sonoma City Council member Joanne Sanders. “It was a forgone conclusion,” she told The Sun.... Continue