[caption id="attachment_12885" align="alignright" width="250" caption="Submitted photo. Rebecca Lawton has won first place in the Redwood branch of the California Writers Club’s poetry contest for her poem, “Journal.”"][/caption] Sonoman Rebecca Lawton has won first place in the Redwood branch of the California Writers Club’s recent poetry... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
[caption id="attachment_12880" align="alignright" width="420" caption="Staff Photo City librarian Stephan Buffy helps a young patron with the new Testing and Education Reference Center at the local library."][/caption] Psst, there’s a great new tool at the public library and Stephan Buffy, the city librarian is eager to... Continue
Sonoma Valley Unified School District Tuesday, October 13, 6:30 p.m. Continued discussion about the impending budget deficit. District Administrative Office, 17850 Railroad Avenue, Sonoma. Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Tuesday, October 13, 8:30 a.m. The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors sits as the governing board... Continue
For demonstrating a commitment to sustainable practices, four local businesses have been cited by The Green Business Recognition Program. The latest companies to receive awards are El Dorado Kitchen and Hotel; Sonoma Hills Retirement Center; GeoPraxis Inc.; and Kenwood Oaks Guest House. Each organization was presented... Continue
[caption id="attachment_12913" align="alignright" width="420" caption="Submitted Photo"][/caption] Black Bear Diner reopened its doors this week after a fire – the resultant smoke damage closed the popular eatery more than eight months ago. Owner Gregg Hobbs is excited to bring the restaurant back to life and welcome... Continue
A moratorium on new water hook-ups will not be part of the City of Sonoma’s strategy to manage a water supply that may be unable to meet all demands as early as 2012. The city council held a preliminary discussion of the topic Wednesday and... Continue
A suspicious fire destroyed construction equipment and forced the evacuation of the Arroyo Veterinary Hospital on Tuesday afternoon. The 4:15 p.m. blaze started in a grass field used to store equipment and debris related to the Highway 12 project, but was brought under control in... Continue
Sonoma Valley Hospital will no longer dispense regular flu shots. In a statement released yesterday, Chief Operating Officer Mary Kelly announced as of today, “The hospital will no longer be providing regular flu... Continue
In Sonoma County: On Highway 12 between Trinity Road and Arnold Drive expect one-way traffic control from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m., Monday night/Tuesday morning through Thursday night/Friday morning. Also on Highway 12 between Melita Road and Trinity Road expect one-way traffic control from 7... Continue
Songs of peace [caption id="attachment_12791" align="alignright" width="320" caption="Submitted photo"][/caption] Sonoma Charter School recently celebrated International Peace Day in honor of the work being done at the United Nations as well as the G8 summit. The school’s music teacher Eleanor Dekkor, and students in kindergarten through third... Continue