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Food & Wine

Beer & “Wine o’clock” added to Oxford English Dictionary

Rejoice! "Wine o'clock" and "beer o'clock" have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. The Dictionary defines "wine o'clock" as "an appropriate time of the day for starting to drink wine." Other foodie/boozie related words that were added, include: Awesomesauce: extremely good, excellent Cakeage: a... Continue

Vegan faux-mayo feels the heat from FDA

Turns out the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has quite strict terms on what one can call "mayonnaise." This month, the FDA sent a warning letter to Hampton Creek, the San Francisco based food company, to tell them to stop promoting  Just Mayo, their vegan... Continue

Gross ground beef – buy sustainable (or go veggie?)

Prepare to gross out Sonoma Valley: ground beef from conventionally raised cows is twice as likely to "contain dangerous superbugs resistant to three or more classes of antibiotics used to treat illness in human" than sustainability produced ground beef. This unsettling data comes from Consumer... Continue

Food obsessed: edible flowers

[caption id="attachment_56178" align="aligncenter" width="420"] A beautiful cheese plate at the Epicurean Connection complete with edible nasturtium[/caption] Upon a recent visit to the Epicurean Connection, nasturtium was served with our cheese plate. I was so distracted by the tasty Sonoma County cheeses served on the plate... Continue

New stamp celebrates summer harvest

[caption id="attachment_55772" align="aligncenter" width="237"] Love the new foodie stamps from USPS!![/caption] I'm a stamp geek. I grew up flipping through my dad's stamp collection that he created as a kid, which led me to create my own as a young adult. One of my favorite... Continue

How much water does it take to grow?

[caption id="attachment_13111" align="aligncenter" width="293"] It takes 93 gallons to grow one pumpkin - at least in the mass food production world. [/caption] The California drought is still in full-effect and we're also in the heart of growing season. The bounty at farmers' markets is growing... Continue

Have a Happy Sweet New Year – honey & Judaism

[caption id="attachment_55651" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Challah bread and honey makes a perfect pairing - even if you're not Jewish! (Photo: Nevin Cullen)[/caption] Food and religion is intertwined - whether it's stories of Jesus turning water into wine in the Christian faith or leaving fresh fruit at... Continue

Glorious Bites wants your recipe to win $5k

[caption id="attachment_55400" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Celebrity chef Brooke Williamson will award the tastiest appetizer $5,000 as part of the Glorious Bites Challenge[/caption] Are you a savvy home cook or a young line cook looking to make it big? Well, Gloria Ferrer Caves & Vineyards wants you... Continue

Business scoop: new ice cream shop on the Plaza

(Jonathan Farrell | Sun on the Street) The Plaza’s pink door controversy has been put to rest as new owners Joe and Ramie Hencmann have bought Grandma Linda's Ice Cream shop, and repainted the front door. What was a scandalous hot pink is now a... Continue

Dunkin’ Donuts in Sonoma?

[caption id="attachment_54988" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Could Dunkin' Donuts be coming to Sonoma?[/caption] Yesterday was an important day for Bay Area donut fanatics: Dunkin' Donuts has announced that they will open a bunch of stores in Northern California. Two different franchise companies will open up the famous... Continue