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Food & Wine

Five ways to make life more yummy

Why not make everything better?  Don’t we all just hope to make our lives just a little more delicious?  I possess a growing list of ingredients to add to most any dish to simply make it better, quickly more delicious.  From boring leftovers, a hurried... Continue

Burgers & Vine: first impressions

On a recent Friday evening, as I approached the Old Creamery building, now the restaurant Burgers & Vine, a big smile spreading slowly across my face.  It made me unbelievably giddy to see the golden glow of life from inside the long-vacant storefront, cheerful patrons... Continue

In search of the yummy

I always have a deep desire to connect with you all, to share only my most delicious experiences, pertinent tidbits that you, too, may want to taste, to sip, to cook.  Though, lately, nothing seems yummy enough to share. My recent week began with burnt... Continue

Scrumptious spring, or just a sneak preview?

I was gone for three days.  When I left it was winter.  Heavy slate clouds lay low and wet over the Valley, tree branches hung bare and black, farms sat dormant and silent. The town was blanketed in a leaden mist; a steady, substantial rain... Continue

Rainy days and Sundays…

It’s almost impossible to pry myself from the warmth of my comfy bed these days.  I manage to partially open one eye and focus on the drapes covering the tall windows, hoping for light, but a bit heartbroken when it’s still dark at almost 7... Continue

In praise of olive

As the recent torrential rains remind us of the possibility of many cold, grey days still to come this winter, I am strangely not at all sad.  We have so many delicious reasons to love our Northern California winters!  Besides the fact that it’s still... Continue

Love + food

It is February, Valentine’s around the corner, and I have been thinking a whole lot about love lately.  I love “love.”  I love being in love.  I really either absolutely love something, someone, or I just don’t. All or nothing, that is the way I... Continue

Current foodie obsession: Splendid Table podcast

I am newly addicted to podcasts.  Call me a tech dummy, but I didn’t really get the whole “podcast” thing until recently.  Well, I am certainly making up for lost time; devouring every interesting story or inspirational talk that my iTunes store has to offer.... Continue

An organic life

I always carried around this romantic vision of a farmer’s life.  Rising with the early sun warm on your face, quiet mornings spent plucking tender peas from their vines, chatting up loyal customers at each farmer’s market, a kitchen full of beautiful, fresh food that... Continue

Comfort + food

My life of late has included a certain amount of discomfort.  Uncertainty being the ultimate discomfort, in my opinion.  Unknowing.  I take great comfort in the knowing, in decisions made, items on my ever-evolving list ticked off, goals met, plans made and followed. I have... Continue