Red wine with meat, white with fish? Too easy. What's the right wine to pair with a Snickers bar, or Candy Corn? Ask the sweet-tooth sommelier at Meadowcroft Wines, which hosts a Halloween Candy and Wine Pairing, October 26 and 27, from 11 to 4 p.m.... Continue
Food & Wine
Halloween alert: Bee-Well Farms has opened a huge pumpkin patch in Glen Ellen, complete with straw bales, petting zoom, game and crafts and, or course, a zillion multi-colored pumpkins. Free. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Highway 12 at Trinity Road, Glen Ellen.... Continue
Chef Lauren Cotner makes a different dinner every night, one single dish to feed all her customers. They order it, pick it up and take it home. It’s like a food truck, but at a space that used to be a restaurant on a golf... Continue
The busy Valley of the Moon Vintage Festival, September 27-29, includes the tasty Opening Night Gala, a strolling sip-and-sample in the historic Sonoma Barracks on Friday night. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon, the action moves to Sonoma Plaza. Drink it all in. Continue
A peak dining experience on Saturday, September 21, high above Sonoma Valley. Hike (or catch a ride) to the top of Sugarloaf Park's Bald Mountain for a picnic brunch and amazing 360-degrees views from the grassy summit at 2,729 feet. The outing is presented by... Continue
By Jonah Raskin “I’m a dinosaur,” wine and weed maven Phil Coturri says at HopMonk Tavern in Sonoma on a day when the temperature hits 101. Coturri is talking to 50 or so members of the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Enthusiasts who have gathered in... Continue
Miranda Ives takes a last look around her successful (but small) restaurant, soon to move into a larger space, as The Sausage Emporium, on Sonoma Plaza. “After two fantastic years at this current location, we are looking forward to opening our new and improved cafe,... Continue
While concerns about childhood screen time may keep parents awake at night, Adele Harrison Middle School Garden and Culinary Arts instructor Yannick Phillips has witnessed firsthand how eager many kids are to unplug on their own, opting to go outside to sow seeds, prep beds,... Continue
Saturday, August 17: The Napa Sonoma Mexican-American Vintners Association’s annual harvest festival and fundraiser, with the best of 16 member wineries, dinner and live entertainment by Don Gato Jazz Band, along with a Live Art Walk with Mexican American artists. $150. 3-6 p.m. Vista Collina Resort, 850... Continue
Red meat, bad for cholesterol. White meat—like chicken—is not as bad. It’s just something that’s drilled into diet-conscious Americans, like how whole wheat is healthier than white, or how sweet potatoes are healthier than regular potatoes. But this particular one might not be true, reports... Continue