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Planning for retirement

Quiz time – how much time did you spend planning your most recent vacation? How much time, in total, have you spent planning vacations? Now, how much time have you spent planning your retirement? See where I’m going? Yes, planning a vacation is more fun... Continue

Keeping your trust tuned up

Trusts are assets, at least you should think of them that way. And like any other assets we own, they must be maintained after we buy them. If you keep them tuned up and give them some TLC, you’ll get more out of them –... Continue

Death and your digital assets

Oh Facebook, how I love thee. Dropbox, you make my life so simple. iTunes, what would I do without your constant stream of music and videos? Apple and Android, thank you for putting a camera in my pocket so that I may take millions of... Continue

Excuses, excuses

The Virtual Attorney published some great statistics about who isn’t planning and why. Let’s take a look at some. Statistics found that 92 percent of adults under the age of 35 do not have a will. Well, that makes some sense since young people don’t... Continue

Keeping it simple

Okay, I want my bicycle to go to my cousin Jim, but if Jim isn’t around then Marcy gets the bike but only if … I hear this all the time. Detailed estate plans that are unnecessarily complicated. Clients feel that their wishes have to... Continue

Keep your beneficiary designations current

As a reminder, “Custodial” type accounts are IRAs (individual retirement accounts), ROTH IRA, 401(k), etc. and even life insurance, annuities and pensions. When you create these types of accounts you are required to sign a contract spelling out the terms of the account and often... Continue

Estate planning, not just for death anymore

I’ve heard all the excuses; I’ll be dead, it’s not my problem, I won’t be here, it’s my kids money not mine, etc. – unfortunately this is flawed thinking. Yes, estate planning documents are for death, but what else? In today’s world of medicine amazing... Continue

Tidbits of estate planning advice

Sometimes great little learning opportunities come through my office that I want to share but there aren’t quite enough to create an entire article. Essentially, these are a number of short stories with great lessons on how to avoid estate-planning messes… before it’s too late.... Continue

How to minimize tragedy

We can’t avoid tragedy, but we can plan for it. Although, the opening quote may sting, it is the truth. Tragedy doesn’t discriminate and it doesn’t wait – we’ll see his face again. But rather than fearing tragedy, we should plan for it. Recently, Sonoma... Continue

Weathering the storm – documents that last

While the weather continues to be gloomy, your estate documents’ future doesn’t have to be. When drafting your documents keep two things in mind in order to help them “weather the storm” of life: first – draft documents that will stand the test of time... Continue