Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once stated, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Why, then, are so many people consuming pills manufactured in a lab in order to manage symptoms of poor health? Is food really medicine? Well, I think Hippocrates... Continue
May is here, and from a healthy living standpoint this is one of the best times of the year to embrace a healthy lifestyle in Sonoma. The sun is shining, the Farmers Market is in full swing, and outdoors is where it’s at. What more... Continue
Happy New Year, Sonoma! It’s Shape-Up time, and we want you! As a health coach and one of the organizers of Shape-Up Sonoma, I invite you to join us by visiting our website, signing a comittment contract, setting goals, making a weekly action plan, and... Continue
Greetings of the season, Sonoma. I wish you all health in mind, body and spirit during this festive time of year! This season comes and goes as quickly as Santa down a chimney, and if we aren’t healthy, we just may miss out on some... Continue
Take me out to the ball game… as long as I can bring my own food! You may or may not know, my column is about health and nutrition, which is not always the most attractive topic. But, what’s more important than what you put... Continue
Hello Sonoma, I guess the fact that you decided to read this means that you have some sort of interest in the topic of weight loss. I commend you for braving this vast and often confusing subject, as you search for a revelation in the... Continue
Hey Sonoma, did you know that every time you eat or drink you are either feeding disease or fighting it? In fact, almost everything you do has either a positive or a negative effect on your health, including lifestyle habits such as sleep, stress, and... Continue
Well Sonoma, it’s June. We are officially halfway through 2010 as of this month. Where has the time gone? I mean this literally, my friends. Where has your time gone? Have you dedicated enough of your time to making and keeping yourself healthier? Or did... Continue
It’s spring cleaning time, Sonoma, and I’m not just talking about garages and closets. I’m talking about the most important asset you own, your most important piece of machinery. Your body. We spend a lot time and energy cleaning out our homes, cars, garages, offices,... Continue