Let a dog into your life and your life will change, inevitably for the better, which is odd, since dogs ask very little. All they want, more than anything, is to be with you. And so, when an adorable little bundle of love came into the life of Mary Ellen Oertel and her husband, Ray, they decided to take a new career path and never looked back.
“Three years ago we got Penny from Pets Lifeline,” said Oertel. “She was such a little puppy, so adorable. And of course, I didn’t want to leave her. So I started thinking of something I could do from the home to make money. Plus, after 20 years in the culinary business, I was ready for a change.”
For more than a decade, Oertel served as executive chef at the Swiss Hotel. She also was trained as a pastry chief. Her husband was experienced in the catering business. It didn’t take much more than a good long walk with Penny for the couple to decide cooking up healthy snacks and treats for dogs would be a great way for the Oertel pack to be together all day long and make a living too. Penny said, “Woof!” And it was done; the couple decided to risk it all and start a business called Ma Snax Superior Treats.
Now, Penny is 55 pounds of muscular, rambunctious joy and the Oertels’ dog-treat business is shipping far and wide.
“We have clients in New York and Miami,” said Oertel. “It started from word-of-mouth. Our customers really respected our healthy, organic commitment and now we’re doing great. And we have Penny to thank.”
The Sonoma company offers eight varieties of biscuits ranging from peanut butter and honey to wheat-free carob and mint.
“Once in awhile, I’ll pop one in my mouth,” Oertel said.
“Of course, Penny is our professional taster,” she added with a laugh. “And she’s finicky!”
According to two Sonoma terrier gourmets, the sweet potato and ginger snap treats are to die for.
But Oertel’s Ma Snax business is up against stiff competitors. International companies are pumping out gourmet dog foods by the tons, mated to major marketing campaigns. Oertel is confident her company will stay one paw in front of the competition by offering totally organic treats, plus one-of-a-kind gingerbread doghouses.
“We bake the delicious dog-house confection to order,” she said. “It is uniquely decorated with your dog’s name. The Christmas house is adorned with lots of seasonal treats, nuts, pretzels and candy. We’re planning to do the same for other holidays, like Halloween and Easter.”
As long as they do it with Penny, the Oertels won’t stray from their dream. Like they say, every day your dog spends with you is a holiday.
Ma Snax Treats can be ordered on line at www.masnax.com or by contacting 707.939.939-8174. They are also offered at Sonoma Dog Camp.
Mary Ellen Oertel: Cooking up healthy holiday treats for tail-wagging pals
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