With three major issues to be heard, there was standing room only at the Sonoma Valley Memorial Veterans Building when Chairman Karl Keener of the Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.?James McGrath, spokesperson for the Glen Ellen California Congregation of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses was responsible for the majority of the standing-room-only crowd who came in support of their proposed development at Moon Mountain Road and Highway 12 in Sonoma.?McGrath proposed to the commission the construction of a new meeting place for an existing Sonoma-based religious organization, The Kingdom Hall, which consists of three separate congregations.?The Kingdom Hall construction is proposed on a piece of property that currently consists of two separate parcels totaling approximately 2.12 acres that are undeveloped and vacant at this time.?All meetings and activities will be conducted within the proposed structure and there will be no dining, daycare or school activities, McGrath said.?“Our proposal will be used strictly for teaching and worship,” he said.?The Kingdom Hall project is in the early planning process; church members have not yet heard from the county design review board.?“Our project is proposed with simple design, dignity, and character,” McGrath said. “For visual interest there will be glass blocks and stucco and it will be screened from public view from Highway 12.”?Richard Fogg of the commission urged the Kingdom Hall organization, while in these early stages, to speak with its prospective neighbors regarding issues such as noise, lighting and signs before wishing them good luck toward the proposed project.?Commission member Bill Willers expressed concern as to whether the property land use is actually appropriate regarding, among other things, grading, and water-quality drainage. Willers then suggested for the visual character of the project that Kingdom Hall use an appropriate local landscape screening from Highway 12.?“This Kingdom Hall project is done by all volunteer labor,” parishioner Chester Linden said. “Once the foundation is laid the building will be built in three or so weekends.”?Speaking in favor of the proposed project, “This Church has been in Sonoma for many years and I know of no complaints,” commission member Ken Brown said.
Wineries coming to biz park
Landlord Helge Bruckner spoke on behalf of the Wine Country Industrial Park, LLC 21660 Eighth Street East in Sonoma. Bruckner presented to the commission a proposal for five boutique wineries to be placed under one roof.?The wineries will produce 74,351 cases in 2007 and 156,284 cases in 2012.?The proposed wineries are The Saintsbury Winery, The Patz & Hall Winery, The Enkidu Winery, The Caton Wine Organization and the Talisman Winery.?“The proposed project needs a use permit because there will be wine production on the site,” Bruckner said. “This project will be used as a prototype.”?Bruckner assured the commission that although the water usage will be of significant concern, the water will be treated and that each proposed winery will share their respective burden of cost.?Regarding respect to the environment, commission member Mark Bramfitt applauded the treatment of the wastewater, but expressed concerns of salt water intrusion along Eighth Street East.?“We will have salt water in the wells at some point,” Bramfitt said.?Bruckner said, “Traffic studies have been done and will not negatively impact Eighth Street East.”?Commission member Willers said, “Warehousing alone is not a great use of Eighth Street East, so this project is good for the land.”?Keener added, “I would like to echo others that in so bringing five wineries together as opposed to having them all over is terrific.”
Wine tasting at Cornerstone Gardens
David Aquilina presented the commission with a proposal to convert an existing retail space at 23570 Arnold Drive in Sonoma to wine tasting and sales.?“This project will provide local wineries with tasting room options and sales,” Aquilina said.?The space is currently an approved center for landscape and outdoor related retail known as the Cornerstone Gardens.?Under the existing permit there may be 60 special events each year in conjunction to serving wine and beer in the deli facility under the current ABC license. An additional ABC license is required only for a modification and extension of the present use.?“There will not be any negative impacts to the Highway 121 scenic corridor or the water system,” Aquilina said. “As a condition of this project, state and county roadwork improvements have been completed and will compensate for any minor traffic fluctuations to the facility.”?The Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission was adjourned and will meet again on Jan. 24 at the Sonoma Fire Station at 6:30 p.m.
Standing room only at citizens advisory commission
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