Back to school supplies can strain even fat family budgets . For families struggling economically, costly school supplies can be the final straw . For the 7th year in a row, The Office Depot Foundation is bringing backpacks to needy kids in the Sonoma Valley . Along with Sonoma County Supervisor Valerie Brown and the National Foundation for Women Legislators, the Foundation will be handing out backpacks at the Valley of the Moon Boys and Girls Club at 3pm today, August 15th. Stocked with a pencil pouch, ruler, crayons, a glue stick, pencil and pen, sharpener, and an eraser, the sturdy backpacks are intended to ensure that every child start the school year equipped for success. This year, 300,000 children will be outfitted with packs, bringing Office Depot’s total donations to 1.5 million since 2001.
Backpack giveaway
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