Two residents at the Sonoma Developmental Center in Glen Ellen have been diagnosed with the H1N1 flu virus – the so-called Swine Flu.
The patients began demonstrating symptoms a few days ago, according to Karen Litzenberg, spokeswoman for the facility. As with most who exhibit flu symptoms right now, she said, cultures from the individuals were sent to the Sonoma County Public Health laboratory for analysis. The staff was notified yesterday that the residents did in fact have the H1N1 virus.
“Those individuals are receiving Tamiflu, which is the standard course of treatment,” said Litzenberg. “We’re taking all the precautions SCPH recommends.” The infected individuals have been separated from the main patient population. The unit is now restricted to essential personnel. All residents and employees who may have been exposed to the virus will receive preventative treatment.
Litzenberg said the center does not know where the virus originated, though it could have come in with visitors or employees who had been in close contact with an infected person.
Prior to the SDC cases, there were only two confirmed cases of the virus in Sonoma County, both in individuals who had recently traveled to Mexico.
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