Another of life’s big mysteries, solved. As a driver you’re used to seeing the little yellow reflective squares embedded in the roadway. But every now and again, a lonely blue one appears in the pattern. Why? Because each blue tile indicates that a fire hydrant is on the parallel roadside. And the location of the ‘turtle,’ to the right or left of the median, signals which side of the road. Thank you, Tony Jetland. You may now move on to world peace.
Full speed ahead for the SMART train. The campaign to repeal the quarter-cent sales tax that will fuel the project has failed. Not enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot. “What a relief,” says Sandra Lupien of the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition. “Thousands of bicyclists were among the 69 percent of Sonoma and Marin County voters who approved Measure Q in 2008. We’re thrilled we can all look forward to enjoying both the SMART pathway and the train, as planned.”
Sunday is indeed all about super bowls – it’s the second biggest eating day of the year, behind only Thanksgiving. While you gamely munch on flax muffins and celery sticks, your fellow Americans will pound down 30 million pounds of snacks. That’s 11.2 million pounds of potato chips, 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips, 4.3 million pounds of pretzels, 3.8 million pounds of popcorn, and 2.5 million pounds of nuts. And that doesn’t count the delivery pizza, or the 1.25 billion chicken wings. Might be time to put a cardiologist on speed-dial, right next to your bookie’s number.
A healthier start to the day is the pancake breakfast at the Grange Hall. Organic ingredients, free-range chicken eggs and sausages, fresh squeezed juice, frittata, even real maple syrup. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. $10 adults, $5 children. In a word, super.
Meanwhile on Feb. 5, Readers’ Books offers a “Super Bowl of the Mind” – a 20-percent-off sale beginning at 2:30 p.m. (when the pre-game hoopla starts) and ending when the store closes at 6 p.m. (Sorry, no overtime period). Football fans will probably be elsewhere but, says Andy Weinberger, “If you don’t care to watch what my mother used to call ‘a bunch of grown men bumping their heads together’ then our sale is for you.”
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