The bike path through Sonoma’s Depot Park between First Street East and First Street West will close August 19 for a month-long repair and improvement project. The parking area adjacent to the bike path will close during construction as well.
Work in the park will be specific to the path. Pedestrians will still be able to walk, and push their bikes, through the area.
The project includes grinding and replacing the existing pavement, repairing cracks and breaks, improving drainage, new markings and signs, upgrades for ADA compliance, tree replacement and other related work.
According to Sonoma Development Services Director Wayne Wirick, construction will not normally occur on Fridays before 2 p.m. to help minimize the impact to the Friday Farmer’s Market held at the Arnold Field parking lot. “However, availability of on-site parking at the Friday Farmer’s Market will be significantly reduced for the duration of the project,” he said.