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Good bugs, bad bugs

Integrated Pest Management, which encourages home gardeners to reduce their dependence on chemicals for pest control, is the topic of the April 3 meeting of the Valley of the Moon Garden Club. Guest speaker Anne Lowings will discuss “Good Bugs/Bad Bugs” at 7 p.m. at the Sonoma Veterans Building.

Photo: Garden friend or foe? The Ground Beetle is on your side, disposing of slugs, snails, cutworms, cabbage maggots, and other pests.

Lowings is a certified Master Gardener and a specialist in IPM, a process home gardeners can use to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment. Lowings will show how to identify and attract the insects that keep the more harmful species at bay.

Lowings was born and raised in England where gardening is a national pastime. She completed her studies, she traveled the world, living and gardening under the diverse growing conditions of the variety of countries such as South Africa and the American Southwest. She has gardened in various areas of Sonoma County since 1996. She joined the Master Gardener program in 2005.

After viewing a colony of aphids under a microscope, she became interested in insects and IPM. She has attended many advance training programs at UC Davis for Master Gardeners and is now a member of the Master Gardeners’ IPM Specialists team.

The April 3 meeting begins with an informal gathering at 6:30 p.m. The lecture is at 7 p.m., followed by refreshments, Seed Exchange, opportunities for volunteer sign-ups, and a plant raffle.

The lecture is free to club members $5 general. The venue is located at 126 First St. W.


  1. Andy Lowings Andy Lowings

    I thought this read Good Bed bugs!


    • Sun News Sun News Post author |

      That sounds like a typo we would make!

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