January is over, rain is abundant, and Sonoma Valley’s Olive Festival comes to a tasty close. What are you doing this weekend?
Here are my suggestions:
Friday, January 29

Have breakfast at Harvest Moon
Harvest Moon started serving breakfast this month, and it’s as awesome you would expect it to be.
We stopped by on Sunday morning last week and enjoyed mimosas, chocolate croissants, cinnamon drenched donuts, and the best biscuit I have had this side of the Mississippi. It comes with delicious house-made butter and raspberry jam.
Coffee is fair trade, prices are reasonable and it’s a great place to start your morning. Breakfast is served from 7AM-11Am | 487 1st St. W., Sonoma | 933-8160 | harvestmooncafesonoma.com
Get your game on at Community Cafe
We’ve reported that Community Cafe is now open for dinner on Thursdays and Friday, serving up fried chicken and some of the best burgers in the region. Not only can you enjoy tasty food, but, now you can enjoy some fun games, too!
They’ve got the board games, or you can also bring your own (Settlers of Catan anyone?). Games are free, all you have to do is bring your family, friends and enjoy dinner and drinks! 6PM-9PM | 875 W. Napa St., Sonoma | 938-7779 | communitycafesonoma.com
Saturday, January 30

Warm up with a cold one at Sonoma Springs Brewing Co.
Sonoma Springs releases their St. James Winter Warmer brew this weekend. It’s the first beer bottled in their Riverside Drive facility in Sonoma.
The beer is described as “a Double Version of our Bruja Majik German-style Altbier, brewed with extra Belgian Dark Candi Syrup and copious amounts of malted barley of all varieties….
..After three months of aging in bourbon barrels, the batch was spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, ginger, as well as bourbon aged vanilla beans.”
Every bottle sold will be signed by the Brewmaster and Assistant Brewer.
Sounds like a perfect beer to pack on your next trip to Tahoe. They’ll be serving up piroshki for hungry beer consumers, too. 1PM-9PM | 19449 Riverside Dr., Sonoma | 938-7422 | sonomaspringsbrewing.com
Splurge and gorge on olive-inspired morsels at the Feast of the Olive
Ok, granted, Feast of the Olive event is sold out, but, if you can weasel your way to find a ticket, or get on the wait-list – DO IT. It’s worth the splurge.
It’s one of the few pricey events, next to Sonoma Wine Country Weekend, that is worth the $175 price tag.
Over 25 local chefs, and 20 wineries will be in attendance. Three tables are set up, guests are assigned to a table, and each table is assigned certain chefs and wineries. Guests enjoy a 7-course olive inspired meal, a ton of wine, get to hangout with winemakers and chefs, and bring home a bottle or two of olive oil.
This year the reception is at the General’s Daughter, featuring martini’s crafted by HopMonk Tavern (winner of this year’s Martini Madness) and bubbles, followed by dinner at Ramekins. Get on the wait-list or befriend someone who needs a date – you don’t want to miss this. 6PM-10PM | 966-1090 x108 | olivefestival.com/feast-of-the-olive-dinner.html
Sunday, January 31
Prepare for the Super Bowl
If anyone can help you prepare the right dishes to serve at your Super Bowl party it’s either the Frito Lay website chock full of bizarre recipes using Doritos (cool ranch crab cakes anyone?), or Williams-Sonoma. I’m rooting for Williams-Sonoma.
Sunday afternoon Williams-Sonoma will offer a free techniques class on how to prepare tasty morsels for your hungry football bunch.
Finger foods, side dishes, and chili will be on the agenda. They’ll also be sharing ideas on how to plate and serve.
It’s free, call the store for more details: 939-8974 | 605 Broadway, Sonoma | williams-sonoma.com
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