In a Facebook post on Friday evening, November 9, 2018, Sonoma City Councilman David Cook appears to have posted his intention to resign from the Sonoma City Council. Specifically, his post says: “On Monday I will be meeting with the mayor of Sonoma to inform her that I will not fulfill my last two years on the Sonoma City Council. I strongly feel that there are issues that I want to speak about as a citizen of Sonoma. Not an elected official.” The Sun is making efforts to contact Councilman Cook to verify the legitimacy of this posting, and will provide more information as it becomes available.
Is Sonoma City Councilman David Cook planning to resign?

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David has been a likable, courteous, reliable, if not always coherent conservative vote on council. It will be interesting to hear his reasons. One can appreciate how, with Gary Edwards stepping down he would be the remaining right-wing vote on council, and he would not relish two more years of being on the losing end of upcoming votes on affordable housing, tasting rooms, cannabis, hotel development projects, a minimum wage ordinance, and other matters where right-wing special interests appear to have taken a drubbing in the recent elections. With four kids to raise, it’s obvious and understandable he has better things to do, and only a cynic would suggest that if Ding and Cribb had won seats, David would not be quitting.