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So how are your New Year’s resolutions going?


Casey Morse, Sonoma

My resolution was to eat a lot less fast food. I wanted to knock down the holiday weight gain. So far, so good.


Deb Emerson, Sonoma

So far pretty good. My resolution is to exercise more so that I feel stronger and hopefully lose weight, so I’ve been exercising almost every other day, and doing more on weekends


Mia Cabrera, Boyes Hot Springs

Honestly, I didn’t really do one. It’s the same as last year: the organization challenge. It’s a lifetime goal. There’s a lot of things we never really check off the list.



Shellbee Amaya, Sonoma

Horrible. Actually one of them’s doing good. Grades, they’re doing OK. Getting more fit, horrible.


David Lapides, Glen Ellen

Pretty good. It was to spend more time with my kids. I have three, ages 11-18. I have tried to make family time, take a little trip with each one. And we all got together – the one that lives on the East coast I brought out here to visit.


Caryn Borba, Concord

I’ve been working on not wasting food. Eating left-overs, being more mindful. That’s the big one, being more mindful of a lot of things. I’m doing pretty well so far.

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Fernando Padilla,  El Verano

One big one – to save enough money for my wedding on August 31. I’ve been picking up a lot of overtime at my job. I work at the Sonoma County jail, so it’s stressful, but it’s good. So far, so good.


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