Justin Mori, who served as principal of Sonoma Valley High School for one year, is already moving on — he’s taken the job of principal at Petaluma High School, his alma mater.
The surprise news was announced today by the Sonoma Valley Unified School District.
Mori took the Sonoma job a year ago, replacing departing principal Kathleen Hawing. He had been the principal of San Jose Intermediate School with the Novato Unified School District.
As was done last year looking at job candidates, the district’s process will include several public “community engagement meetings to identify criteria and qualifications needed for the next principal.”
Here is the full statement from SVUSD Human Resources Director Jonathan Ferrer:
“As many of you may know, SVHS Principal, Mr. Justin Mori, has accepted the position of Principal at Petaluma High School, his alma mater, for next school year. We thank Principal Mori for his achievements at SVHS and we wish him well in his new position.
We will be posting the position of SVHS Principal this morning, and encourage you to complete this survey regarding the skills you would like to see in the next principal of SVHS-
Principal Skills Survey.
“We will also conduct several community engagement meetings to identify criteria and qualifications needed for the next principal. Our community engagement meetings are scheduled for:
- Thursday, May 30th 3:30PM-5:00PM
- Friday, May 31st 8:30AM-10:00AM
- Monday, June 3rd 5:30PM-7:00PM
- Tuesday, June 4th 8:30AM-10:00AM
- Wednesday, June 5th 3:00PM-4:30PM
“The community engagement meetings will be held in the College & Career Center at SVHS are are open to students, parents, staff, and community members.
“Mr. Mori will identify students, parents, and community leaders from various groups associated with SVHS to participate in the selection process to either paper screen applications or serve on an interview panel.
“Classified and Certificated staff of SVHS interested in paper screening applications or serving on an interview panel may contact Ms. Terri Hernandez, CSEA President; Ms. Renea Magnani, VMTA Co-President; or Ms. Cheryl Coldiron, VMTA Co-President.
“We look forward to selecting the next principal of SVHS and will be communicating additional information as we move forward in the process.”
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