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It’s official: Cook running for Supervisor

Sonoma City Councilmember David Cook made good on his promise of a County Supervisor run against incumbent Susan Gorin in 2020, filing official paperwork on the first day of eligibility.

In a statement released Sunday, Cook said Gorin has ignored community issues while being part of the county’s inadequate planning for fire safety.

“The district burned to the ground two times during my opponent’s tenure,” Cook said. “The county’s current reaction is to tell the citizens to buy a transistor radio and listen to the announcements to evacuate by the federal government, and run. A radio is a good idea, (but it’s) at best inadequate for the next fire.”

“We need real pre-planning, adequate firefighting water systems and fire road,” Cook said. “I was a firefighter. I know how to fight a fire.”

Cook called out Gorin on “local issues” like road repair, parks and the environment.

“These are the issues that actually affect the citizens of Sonoma,” Cook said. “It is time to elect someone who has common sense.”

“It is time for a change.”

“I have been listening to the voters in Sonoma. Many of them are hurt by the Supervisor’s choice of issues,” which, he says, “have concentrated on issues that have appeal for big money contributors.

Cook is the first candidate to officially file for the 2020 election for the First District, which includes the Sonoma Valley.

Gorin declared in March that she will seek a third term. She said the early statement was mean as a signal that, “I am going to be a competitive incumbent, and you might think twice” about running against her.

In 2016, Gorin was challenged for reelection by candidates Gina Cuclis and Keith Rhinehart, buy avoided a November runoff by getting over 50% of the votes in the June primary.


  1. Thomas F Glynn Thomas F Glynn

    I’m trying to find out who is funding both your campaign and Gorin’s campaign. Is that information accessible?

    • Michael Gough Michael Gough

      I don’t really care who is funding his campaign. The incumbent had been termed out of her Fountain Grove district, and move to Oakmont to continue her political career. She has never shown any leadership in using state and county tax money to improve our roads.
      If for no other reason I’ll vote for David.

  2. Nancy Holman Nancy Holman

    How would you handle the homeless being moved to Los Guilicos Trail? Many in Oakmont are very upset with Susan Gorin.

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