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Take a left at the bulldozer

Watching another bulldozer rumble down West Napa Street is Michael Salmas of Silveira Chevrolet, one of the many businesses affected by a major overhaul of the sewer system.

The multi-year project will replace about 1.8 miles of the existing 21-inch diameter sewer trunk main originally constructed in 1958 with a new 27-inch diameter main.

The project started at 6th Street West, and crews are working north/west down Highway 12. This first phase of the $6.1 million project will end at Ramon Street, near Maxwell Farms Regional Park.

Two-way traffic will remain open during construction, as will businesses like the Chevrolet dealer and the Sonoma Library. But as it creeps along, the project has impacted businesses on the south side of the road, blocking driveways and making turns difficult.

Sewer service along the route has not been affected.

One Comment

  1. BOb BOb

    Glad to see Chevy is going strong here in Sonoma!

    Still doing the car washes and high school dontations, way to go Silveira!!

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