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How to stay on your keto diet while traveling abroad

Ever since you’ve started on the keto diet, your life has been an amazing weight loss journey. We can tell, you’ve been doing great! But now, you have this vacation that you’ve been looking forward to, and you’re probably both excited and worried. After all, you’re about to get out of the controlled environment you’ve created for yourself. But with some planning, you’ll be able to enjoy your vacation just fine – without steering off your weight loss course!

To help, here are 7 tips to stay on your Keto Diet while traveling

Plan ahead for your meals

If you’ve been on the Keto diet for some time, you’d know by now that the golden rule is to plan ahead for your meals. Just going with the flow will be extremely difficult, you’ll be forced to either break the diet or starve. 

Make sure to create a somewhat flexible schedule, so you can keep your options open. It’s also a good idea to keep on your keto supplements schedule. Keto supplements can come in handy to keep you in ketosis or get you right back into it. You can read a full review of the popular Kegenix supplement when you visit this website and learn how these supplements can help you feel full. Wherever you go, you’ll be able to integrate them into your plan to stay right on track.

Tank Up Before You Get Moving

Without knowing what you’ll be up against, the smartest move you can make is to fill your tank before you get moving. You’ll have the comfort of your own controlled environment as an added benefit, so make sure to eat a healthy keto-dense meal to fill your tummy before you hit the road. Think of it as your favorite meal right before a big adventure, and tell us… what would you like to see on those empty plates?

Pack High Fat Low Carb Snacks for the Road

If your approved list of Keto snacks is needed at any time, then this is it. Make sure to pack your favorite Keto snacks to take with you, but also be mindful of your traveling method. Traveling by plane will likely limit your options, so you’re better off packing nuts, seeds, and dry Keto snacks. Add this, ERND Chocolate Snacks to your travel bag which makes you feel of getting chocolate as well as sugar-free which goes well with your keto diet. If you’re traveling by ship or by car, your options can be a bit more flexible. In all cases, make sure to pack snacks that won’t be damaged if left for long out of the room temperature.

Play the Intermittent Fasting Card Right

Many of us don’t really like the idea of intermittent fasting. Or rather, we get the urge to eat when the night falls – even if we’re not hungry. The case can be different when you’re traveling, however, as you’ll be able to distract yourself. In the meantime, organize your meals so that instead of eating throughout the day, you can have two large meals that fill you up, and fast for the rest of the day. You’ll be amazed at the results!

Hit the Local Markets

Just because you’re traveling doesn’t mean you can’t get a taste of your home food. Whenever possible, try to hit the local markets to prepare for your favorite Keto meals. While you’re at it, paying a trip to the local grocery market will provide you with even more options to stack up on your leafy veggies – nothing better than those to fill your tummy with low carb, healthy, and delicious macros. 

Check Out the Restaurants’ Menus Beforehand

You don’t have to stay confined in your for the duration of your travel, just be sure to check the menus of different restaurants in your area before you decide on one. Knowing your options will help in planning ahead and revising your macros before being overwhelmed inside of the restaurant. If you already know your macros and the list of foods you can choose from, your diet will be much easier to stick to.

Words to the Wise — Stay Focused

Committing to your Keto diet while traveling doesn’t have to be daunting or impossible. On the contrary, by planning your meals beforehand and keeping your options open, you can improvise to the best of your resources. Make sure to pack on your low-carb-high-fat snacks to entertain yourself on the way, and make good use of the intermittent fasting rules. When you’ve finally reached your destination, make yourself at home by visiting the local markets for your favorite supplies, and always check the restaurants’ menus beforehand. And if temptation starts to get too strong, remind yourself of your goals. Stay focused!


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