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Hotel hearing postponed, again

The Sonoma Planning Commission hearing on the Hotel Project Sonoma on Napa Street scheduled for this Thursday evening has been postponed, again. This time, in response to letters from the public pointing out that the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) up for certification needed to be recirculated due to substantial changes in its content, the developer, Kenwood Investments, requested the City of Sonoma to undertake the recirculation and reschedule the hearing.

Recirculation provides an opportunity for the public to make written comments and for the EIR consultant to evaluate the comments and respond to them. Among the substantial changes in the EIR is an entirely new method of evaluating greenhouse gas emissions called Vehicle Miles Traveled, or VMT.

No date has been planned yet for the review of the EIR and Use Permit.


  1. Sally Sally

    Why doesn’t Kenwood Inverstments do something about affordable housing instead of this pointless waste?

  2. No way No way

    The local Oligarchs can’t seem to get their EIR fiction tale straight. With all the money they have to hire the Very Best People, they could have had J.B. Rollins of ‘Harry Potter’ fame write the EIR, entitled “Darius Anderson & The Haunted Hotel.” In any case, whenever the EIR comes out Sonomans can be sure it will shortly be up for a Nobel Prize in Literature in three categories: fiction, comedy and tragedy.

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