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Change for good

Holly Seaton and Gayle Arrowood raise money for FISH 

Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley and Rotary Club of Sonoma Sunrise are ringing the holidays bells in front of the local Safeway again this year. Every penny (dime, quarter, etc.) that the clubs raise goes directly to Friends in Sonoma Helping (F.I.S.H.). Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday prior to Christmas Rotarian bell ringers armed with candy canes and good cheer, are encouraging shoppers  to contribute what they can to a good cause.

Ron Lawson, president of Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley, said, “Our club has been helping F.I.S.H. help Sonomans for years. And now the new club, Rotary Club of Sonoma Sunrise, is joining us.”

Joel Green, president of Rotary Club of Sonoma Sunrise, said, “Our two clubs work individually and together to make Sonoma Valley a better place.

It’s what Rotary does around the world. According to a new study by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, Rotary International annually mobilizes volunteer effort equivalent to nearly 27,000 full-time paid workers. This study shows that Rotary volunteers like us save communities an estimated $850 million in service costs per year.”


“F.I.S.H. provides help with food, clothing, rent, utility assistance, as well as transportation to medical, dental or social service appointments,” added Lawson. “They help keep families in Sonoma Valley from becoming homeless or going hungry.”


“Whether it’s the morning club helping the youth soccer program, the lunch group contributing equipment for a lab in one of our schools, or both clubs collaborating to support a great organization such as F.I.S.H.,” said Green, “the end result is always making Sonoma a better place to live today than it was yesterday.”


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One Comment

  1. Richard VandenBrul Richard VandenBrul

    I was a Rotarian for many years in Michigan and enjoyed visiting Rotary Clubs in Sonoma and Albany because no matter where you go in the world, if there is a Rotary Club, you are welcome. In all cases, you meet positive people who are hands on problem solvers and positive roll models in their communities.

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