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Remembering the lesser-known resorts of Sonoma Valley

Mike Acker | Springs History

In these parts, most everybody of a certain age remembers Fetters Resort, Verdier’s, Paul’s, and the Boyes Bath House. But there were literally dozens of resorts in the Valley of the Moon over the years. Here are a few of the lesser known ones. (Oh, and if you are unfortunately young or have not lived here for fifty years, check out, or go to your local book store and buy The Springs, Resort Towns of Sonoma Valley by yours truly.)

Cabanot’s French Resort in Boyes Hot Springs. Other resorts owned by French families included Dutil’s, which became Verdier’s, in El Verano, and the Bellevue Hotel, run by the Lounibos family.  Cabanot’s resort is first mentioned in the newspaper in 1918. It ran through the 50s.

Heidelberg Hotel. Located in Agua Caliente it was also known as Haley’s Resort. Photo courtesy of the San Francisco Motorcycle Club. They have a library!

Ideal Resort. Fetters Hot Springs, at the corner of Fetters Avenue and the Highway. Joseph Weiss, Austrian ran it from 1918 to 1935. It was in business at least until 1943. Some of the buildings are still there.


One Comment

  1. Fred Alebach Fred Alebach

    I’d like to see the Schumann Resort in one of your reports….

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