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Fear and hope, 2020

Today, I’m not afraid of the virus. I am afraid of the meltdown

Sun Personal by Maggie Bedord

When Glen Ellen was burning in October of 2017, I stood on the porch and slowly clipped away the dead branches on the pink flowered Glossy Abelia. The underlying thought was to keep the fire away by removing dead fuel. I was mentally aware enough to know this was a total waste of time but not aware enough to think rationally. What I could be doing? What should I pack or where should we go were much too complicated questions to think about at the time?

Now, I’m not sure if my mind is again not functioning clearly or if there is really nothing practical that I can do to prepare for disaster.

The coronavirus scare is turning everything upside down.

People have been through hardships before. I recently read a book set in England during World War II.  A young girl English girl saved her town by reporting a German spy who rowed onto the English shore. England depended on imported goods and food was scarce because Germans blocked supplies. Villagers rewarded the girl with what little they had which was a few tablespoons of sugar and an onion. Is it my destiny to revere the onion, I wondered?

Today, I’m not afraid of the virus. I am afraid of the meltdown. I am afraid of not having food. I am afraid for my family and friends and afraid of the unknown.  As I went through my day, I was aware of things I could miss. Will we have bananas or butter, my favorite shampoo or even onions? Can we do without? 

Hoarding and taking more than we need leaving others without is a familiar scenario. Whether it’s the wealthy hoarding money or citizens hoarding toilet paper it is forgetting that we are part of the whole. I choose the balance of being prepared and being kind. I have scarcity thoughts and I choose to trust.

I choose to remember that everything is in Divine right order. Today I feel peaceful. The media is a fear machine and I choose not to watch. Fear increased cortisol and adrenaline and I want to protect my immunity. 

There is a message in this virus. We have forgotten or maybe never knew that everything is sacred. I think that this pandemic was created by our collective psyche. Most of the world has been thinking, “enough is enough.” Enough planetary destruction. Enough of the dishonesty, corruption, disfunction and crazy politics, that we are constantly exposed to in the media. We wanted it to stop but didn’t know how.  Our psyche knew how as did Mother Earth.

There is plenty of time now to reevaluate priorities. How important are the bananas, shampoo, and onions when others are starving and unsafe? No one can do it alone. The thinking of nations needs to change. When we walk in another’s shoes, when our lives are totally disrupted, when we stop running, we will hopefully make better decisions. 


One Comment

  1. A wise choice – Divine Right Order, which is a also a short prayer for Divine Intervention, in the circumstances being faced, individually and for everyone else. In this case it is everyone on the planet. There is a blessing for humanity within this pandemic, within a very tough realization, for those families and souls suffering and departing their human expression. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

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