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Starting Friday, face masks are mandatory in Sonoma County

As of 2:01 a.m. Friday, April 17, face masks, homemade or otherwise, are mandatory in Sonoma County.

The Sonoma County Health Officer has issued a new Health Order requiring that everyone wear facial coverings in public as an additional measure to stop the spread of Coronavirus.

If you work and don’t have one, your employer must provide it, according to the rule. And if you try to enter a business — a grocery store or bank, for example — without one, you’ll be turned away.

The rule defines “facial covering” as any fabric or cloth that covers the mouth and nose. The facial covering can be made using common everyday household items, can be sewn by hand, or factory-made; no one needs to purchase a mask in order to comply.

“We hope those in our County understand the importance of complying with these Orders and cover their faces when engaging in essential activities in public,” said Sonoma County Supervisor Susan Gorin. “I would like to emphasize the public’s role in helping stop the spread of COVID-19 by using facial coverings and continuing to stay at home.”

The Order states people must wear a facial covering before they enter an indoor facility (except their home); any enclosed space; an outdoor space where they cannot keep a distance of six feet away from others at all times.

Employers who require their employees to leave their residence to work or provide a service must supply employees with facial coverings, or make sure that employees have access to facial coverings.

Employers may to the extent already authorized by law refuse admission or service to any customer or visitor who refuses to comply.

The health order will go into effect 12:01 a.m. Friday, April 17, 2020.

Dr. Sundari Mase, Sonoma County Health Officer, discourages the public from purchasing medical grade surgical or N95 masks, which should be reserved for healthcare workers. “Facial coverings should be frequently washed, sanitized, or changed, and everyone should wash their hands as soon as possible after touching their facial coverings.”

“These measures recently put in place are having an effect in limiting the spread of COVID-19 in Sonoma County.” Dr. Mase said. “The use of facial coverings is another strategy to stop the virus from spreading from infected people who do not present symptoms. As we approach an expected surge in cases, we are increasing protective measures.”

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  1. Sarah Sarah

    This is crap! I have a doctors note saying I can’t wear one yet I am Kicked out of stores!

    • sharon carrick sharon carrick

      I wore one for three weeks at work and progressed my chronic sinus condition and mild Asthma to a diagnosis of severe sinusitis and Chronic Bronchitis/Severe Asthma. I have been prescribed steroids to take down my lung inflammation. I really did not want to take them but my doctor said my condition would progress to COPD. Being that the progression of my illness was caused by wearing a mask at work, I asked for an exemption letter. She said that “we are not writing those for anyone”. I am also getting kicked out of stores even though I a wearing a mask covering my mouth in addition to a facial shield. I don’t know what to do. I can’t work wearing a mask and so cannot create income. What doctor gave you a note? I would really like to at least have that to show the people that attack me in public for being unable to comply.

    • Sonoma Valley Sun Sonoma Valley Sun Post author |

      Can you share a scanned copy of that note? I’m sure our readers would like to see what one looks like.

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