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Saturday Harvest Market at Sonoma’s Garden Park

It’s the height of the growing season, and Sonoma Garden Park’s seasonal Harvest Market is at its most bountiful, with a great selection of ripe delicious fruits and vegetables — all grown on site — for sale every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the Straw Bale Barn.

The selection also includes eggs from the Garden Park’s chickens, honey from its beehives, and locally sourced fresh olive oil. (Bring an empty wine bottle!)

Located at 19996 7th St. E. in Sonoma, the campus offers garden paths, the Grandmother Oak and Fig Forest, play areas for kids, and a self-guided tour of the “Low Impact Design” landscaping features (maps available in the kiosk).

“It really is in the peak of its beauty right now,” says Tony Passantino, SEC’s education program manager.

Sonoma Garden Park’s Harvest Market will continue every Saturday morning from 9am to noon throughout the growing season.

Note: For visitors’ safety, all social distancing protocols are observed at Sonoma Garden Park. Visitors must wear masks and provide six feet of space indoors. A disinfecting station will be available.


One Comment

  1. Meg easlung Meg easlung

    Thank you this us wonderful.

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