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Sonoma Mayor saves a duck

Proving that Sonoma’s everything it’s “quacked up” to be, Mayor Logan Harvey, his wife Lili, restaurant owner Lauren Feldman and Sonoma’s newest council member Kelso Barnett jointly spent time Friday night rescuing a orphaned duck in danger of getting run over on Broadway.

The duck, unnamed at press time, seemed disoriented and confused, and spent its time huddling in doorways and attempting to cross the street. When finally captured by the Mayor and gently placed in a cardboard box, it settled down and was delivered to a farm owned by a friend of Lili. The farmer recognized the signs of a domesticated duck, and speculated that its abandonment on the Plaza left it rejected by the wild ducks and lonely. Happy to report, it’s now settled into its new home and is happily swimming in a kiddie pool.

One Comment

  1. Paula Crow Paula Crow March 6, 2021

    They should call him “Lucky Ducky”

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