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The soullessness of Ken and Stacy Mattson

Can a place have soul? Logan Harvey is leaving Sonoma. While I am happy for him and wish him much success, I am sad for Sonoma. It is my belief that people make the soul of a place. Logan has cared deeply about the issues affecting all of us. So, we have lost a bit of our soul.

Then we have the soullessness of Ken and Stacy Mattson. Over the past five years they have bought 48 commercial and residential properties in the city of Sonoma and the Valley. We first heard of their views in 2019 when a now-deleted Facebook page gave us a glimpse into Stacy’s fear and loathing of gay people. Then it was revealed that along with their business partner, Tim Le Fever, they helped form, participated in, and funded anti-gay and anti-woman organizations. Many of us in the community called them out, as we felt these views and actions did not represent the soul of Sonoma.

We were told nothing more than that they wanted to have a discussion. It never happened, despite repeated requests from local news media and the public. I have personally asked several times over the last three years when this discussion was going to happen. I am still waiting.

Logan Harvey has stated that the Mattsons may just be buying property at low prices with the intention of selling when valuation goes up. This may be true, as I can see little or no improvement of these properties. The Mattsons talk a lot about what they will do with these properties, but like the supposed discussion on their social views, we have seen nothing. I would say talk is cheap, but in the case of the Mattsons, they seem to have an endless supply of money.

I asked Gary Saperstein, of Out in the Vineyards, for his views and insight. One of his comments really stood out. “They want as little publicity as possible for their dealings. I also find it interesting that they buy these businesses that they really know nothing about. They are not in hospitality yet they bought the General’s Daughter and Ramekins along with Cornerstone?! Odd… and yet here those businesses sit empty.”

In a capitalist society, those with enough money can pretty much do whatever they want. Those of us with a limited amount of money have to work together to have any financial clout. The word freedom is thrown around a lot. Many will say it is none of our business and that they have the freedom to do what they want with their money. Those of us who want the soul of Sonoma to represent fairness and inclusivity for all people, can pool our resources and simply spread the word on what the Mattsons stand for and not spend our money at their businesses. That is our bit of freedom.

The commercial tenants of Cornerstone should not be held accountable for the views and actions of the Mattsons. I just checked, there are only three retail establishments still open in Cornerstone. Going forward, many businesses may not rent from them, once they know their rent money is going to fund intolerance and injustice.



  1. Blaine Transue Blaine Transue

    What we really need to know here is, what is their end game? Buy up the town, let businesses sit empty, devalue the town, buy up more of the town…revitalize the town, sell the town. Rinse and repeat. Business as usual.

    • Josette Brose-Eichar Josette Brose-Eichar

      Yes, they do owe us some explanation. As I said, I am still waiting for this discussion that Mr. Mattson told us he would have with us.

      • Gracie Gracie

        Why doesn’t someone ask them? You would like a bunch of jealous bickering housewives – remember, they pay taxes too and employ people – there is always two sides to every story – and permits are taking from 3-5 years in our area – if you can even get them issued. Remember what happened to Rabbit Ridge – or were you all still in diapers?

        • Josette Brose-Eichar Josette Brose-Eichar

          We have been asking for the last 3 years. This paper and the Index Tribune have asked them, and received no response. I have personally asked more than 5 times in letters to the editor or opinion pieces. They prefer to keeping buying up our community and using their profits to fund the Pacific Justice Institute and Capital Resource Institute and not speak to our community . Simply Google these groups and you will see that they are actively working to harm the LGBTQ community, public schools and women. So paying your taxes (if the Mattsons actually do or are these businesses tax write offs?) and providing employment are really not part of the equation.

  2. Gil Gil

    Thank you for that, Josette. I was aware they had purchased properties, but not 48. It’s interesting that only 3 retailers are open at Cornerstone. Last time I was there, maybe 4 years ago, that site was a goin’ concern. It does appear the Mattsons are only of a mind to make money and their silence belies their lack of concern for the soul of the city and it’s valley. Pumping such cold blood through the heart of Sonoma is a very bad thing.

    • Drea Drea

      I rent from LeFevre Matheson Property Management in Vacaville California. They have a woman stalking… sexual child predator as an employee that lives on site here. The CEO Mark Bennett, in Citrus Heights California after months of complaining and talking to management getting nowhere we sat down with mr. Bennett and he said when his employees sexually harassing my wife and doing other things he’s not on company time so they don’t care. The past is in the past starting all over New. They did not want to see our videos or listen to our Witnesses. Two weeks ago their on-site guy here in Vacaville tried to lower a 12 year old girl and 8 year old girl into his car. The police called LeFevre Madison and let them know what was going on and the guy still works here.

      • Dean Cunningham Dean Cunningham

        How do we know they’re not cleaning money for more nefarious people? They have entirely neglected their investments in Sonoma yet have endless money – doesn’t add up.

        • Josette Brose-Eichar Josette Brose-Eichar

          You are correct. It is too bad we can not find out exactly where this money comes from and why they are buying up our community.

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