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Cary Snowden is Sonoma County ‘Woman of the Year’

Cary Snowden, president and CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley and a longtime advocate for Sonoma County youth, has been named Sonoma County Woman of the Year by Sen. Bill Dodd.

Sen. Dodd presented the honor Saturday at the Maxwell Clubhouse during the Sonoma Boys & Girls Clubs Sweetheart Gala & Auction (above). 

“Our community has greatly benefited from Cary’s leadership and her dedication to improving the lives of our young people,” Sen. Dodd said. “She has truly fulfilled the mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs, which is to provide our children and teens with a safe environment to learn, grow and thrive. There’s nothing more important for our families and she’s done an excellent job. I’m proud to recognize her for her wonderful achievement.”

Snowden has been with the local Boys & Girls Clubs since 2016 and has worked with the organization more broadly for a dozen years. She received the Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s National Service to Youth award in 2013 and 2019 and was nominated for BGCA’s Professional of the Year award in 2014.

“I’m humbled to be recognized, and appreciate Sen. Dodd for all he does for our community and the state,” Snowden said.

“My team and I have been working tirelessly since the fires in 2017 to respond to the ever-changing needs of our youth,” Snowden remarked. “In addition to our foundational services with summer, athletic and after-school programs, we have been able to meet the increased need for academic support by expanding literacy programs and by providing mental health services for our young and most vulnerable population.”

All of these services are provided with no additional cost to families, Snowden said, thanks to the support of our community, staff and the board. 

Previously, Snowden served as program coordinator at Social Advocates for Youth in Santa Rosa, was a Wright School District counselor and worked as a program director at Child Protective Services. Her career began in Texas after she earned a master’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies at the University of North Texas.

Snowden is a member of Sonoma Valley Rotary Club and previously served on the board of Down Syndrome Association of the North Bay and Petaluma Sunrise Rotary Foundation. She lives in Cotati with her husband, Tim, and is a proud mom and grandmother. 


Event photo by Melania Mahoney



  1. We Give Awards for Trying to Silence Child Abuse? We Give Awards for Trying to Silence Child Abuse?

    I want the Sonoma Sun, which has the duty to publish accurate information to prove that Cary Snowden, fka Cary Dacy, Cary Siembieda, Cary Leigh Dacy, and Cary Haris was a counselor. Counselors must be licensed in the State of California. She worked for CPS; yet, she offered an NDA specifically stating Paul Dwayne Kilgore’s name to a Mandated Reporter? She has been involved in legal action regarding agency concealment of felony child abuse and Paul Dwayne Kilgore, which is public record and reported in more than one paper.

    • Sonoma Valley Sun Sonoma Valley Sun Post author |

      What now?

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