Sonoma Valley High School Principal Jessica Hutchinson today sent a short email announcement that she will resign the post in June.Hutchinson took over as principal in 2020 after serving as a vice principal for seven years. Her statement:
“I am writing this to inform you that I have submitted my resignation letter as director of the Sonoma Valley High School, which will be effective at the end of this school year. This is a very difficult personal decision I have made after thinking and carefully considering it. I will continue to work diligently to support students and staff members, so as to ensure a good end to the school year. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with the students, staff and families of Sonoma Valley High School over the past nine years. Our students have faced many challenges over the past few years and I am still in awe of their resilience, strength and character. I’m forever grateful to the Sonoma community for this amazing experience.”
See the superintendent’s response, an email sent 4/5/22.
How mauled is this school district? Its crazy! There have been at least 15 resignations in the last what, 3 yrs? What is happening at the district office?!?!
…..& the beat goes on..
Any truth to the rumor that the district is seeking a merger with Afghanistan Unified?
The school district has always been in dismay, that’s why so many parents send their kids out of town for school. The superintendent at Dunbar actually asked a teacher if a student would “grow out” of their autism. I loved a handful of the teachers I had during my years, but a lot of them don’t care and it makes it extremely difficult for the ones who do.
These educators are not using the correct techniques to identify and help students who identify as gay or transgendered. They are stuck in the old ways of leaving it to the parents. But the parents are often resistant to their children being who they are inside. I know that I knew I was a woman trapped in a man’s body when I was in 2nd grade. I was a girl trapped in a boys body and no one helped me be proud of who I am except for one teacher in first grade who became the principle when I was in 3rds grade. He was gay and he was the one person who knew how to talk to me and tell me it was ok for me to be trans even when I wasn’t feeling 100 percent sure myself. My friends thought I had a special relationship with the principle because we were both LGBT and they were probably right. I wouldn’t be who I am today without him telling me about sex and encouraging me to be the special and different person I was. It was special for me to have his attention. I had a crush on him. But he had a partner and they were both especially nice to me since I was trans. They taught me what sex was and how I could be who I felt like I was inside. Through recent psychotherapy I have been told by homophobic psychologists that I was groomed by the principle and his partner. I have a mind of my own and even though I was in 1st grade I had a right to learn about alternative lifestyles whether my parents wanted me to or not.
We need gay and trans principles and sexual guidance counselors. I know the trend is to hire black women. I get that. But I think our kids need gay and trans adults for our kids more that black. Because education is so important I think we should hire the best candidate we have from the LGBT community. If there are no candidates who know how to talk to young children then I think second best would be an African American. But please at least Bi so they know how to relate to gender confused and sexually confused grade school students like I was.