Sonoma Valley Sun


Sun on the Street: Who’s coming to dinner?

Posted on August 18, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Question: What historical person would you like to meet and why?

Lalo Vela, Sonoma

I would like to meet Mozart just because I love classical musical music. I absolutely love his work. I will actually be in Austria in September and I am going to visit Vienna. I love everything that he has done. It just makes me feel very good inside.

Nancy Hays, Sonoma

Oh gosh, I would like to meet Anais Nin, a wonderful writer. She just was a very unusual woman who had an adventurous life. 

Mike From Cleveland

Napoleon. He wanted to standardize everything. He took over a continent and I don’t understand why, just to get everyone to be on the metric system. It just seems like a lot of work. I don’t get it.

Rebecca from Sonoma

Susan B. Anthony off the top of my head because she advanced Women’s Rights. I would ask her, “How did you, in that day and age, come to be available for women everywhere and become an advocate?

John Mitchell, Sonoma

I pick Theodore Roosevelt, a very interesting mix of characteristics. As a child, he was weak and he had to overcome a lot of physical challenges. He became a very energetic person who was very courageous. He also met John Muir and became very impactful in preservation. It would be absolutely fascinating to spend time with him.

Mary from Sonoma

I think Jesus Christ because of [his] movement in the world, Christianity; his universal appeal in a lot of ways. Though not to everyone. There are a lot of different religions. I just would like to just meet and experience him.

– Interviews and photos by Denise Webster


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