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Highway 12 detour 

Drivers are dealing with a significant traffic detour as a stretch of Highway 12 is closed in both directions at least through the end of the month. With crews demolishing and replacing the 120-year-old Hooker Creek Bridge, Hwy 12 is closed between Madrone Road (above) and Agua Caliente Road. Through-traffic is being detoured around the closed bridge via Madrone Road, Arnold Drive, and Agua Caliente Road.


  1. M M

    No big deal—I’ve been to S Rosa and back 4 times—no delays at all. From Sonoma, get right on Arnold asap rather than taking Agua if you can.

  2. Vivien Hoyt Vivien Hoyt

    While it’s wonderful to get the bridge repaired, it’s not ideal during fire season and grape harvest when we might need to evacuate.

  3. Sonoma Valley Sun Sonoma Valley Sun Post author |

    They should post a dog at that corner, preferably a collie, that could bark the warning, “The Bridge is Out’!!!

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