Sonoma Valley Sun


Sun on the Street: What are you thankful for?

Posted on November 15, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Thanksgiving is coming. What are you most thankful for?

Josefina, Sonoma

I am most thankful for my family and my health. I am very blessed to have my family and to be in good health. I am able to get outdoors often to exercise. And I am grateful to live in a beautiful city like Sonoma.

Christina Burnett, Sonoma

I think that, more than ever, the connection between family and friends. To realize that health is wealth so I am thankful for my health, my family’s health. Thankful for this beautiful time of year and to be able to celebrate together and have that energy and gratitude together. 

Molly, Sonoma

This year I am most grateful for our growing family.  We have a little on the way, arriving in December. Our first child. I am just incredibly grateful for the community that supports us through this process and for my and the baby’s health. We are so excited!

Howard, Sonoma

I am thankful for a lot of things. One is my family and friends. And I am thankful for the community of Sonoma, the people that I know, and the people working together to try to make the world a better place. Grateful for a lot of things. For sunny days!

Miguel, Sonoma

I think Thanksgiving Day is a really good day for everyone. For myself and my family, it is amazing for us to be together. Big family in Mexico but I have a small family here in town. So, it is good for us to gather, take dinner, share opinions. It’s amazing for me.

Interviews and photos by Denise Webster

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