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Dreams serve as portals to the unconscious. They are not clear and straightforward but rather metaphors laden with symbols. A few key concepts will help with interpretation Continue

Gala Night of Magic: Sebastiani Theatre To Celebrate 91st Year 

The Sebastiani Theatre is celebrating its 91st birthday with a special fundraising presentation, entitled “An Incredible Night of Magic.” The gala, magical evening is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, at the historic Theatre on Sonoma Plaza.  The public is invited to a reception with drinks,... Continue


How Progressives Legalized Usury: In the early twentieth century, reformers united with capitalists to promote high-interest lending, overthrowing opposition to usury rooted in Christian tradition Continue

Likes the Roundabout on Arnold Drive

I’ve traveled Arnold Drive, by auto, bicycle, horse, and on foot since the 1960s. I’ve driven through that intersection thousands of times. By the time the roundabout was installed, traffic at that intersection, especially late in the day, was a backup nightmare. And many frustrated... Continue

When Assholes Rule

Some guys are assholes. I learned this very early on in life, and it’s still true. I’ve known some women who were assholes, but on balance, assholes tend to be men. So what exactly is an asshole? Assholes are mean people, highly aggressive, and frequently... Continue

Under the Sun: Anna Bimenyimana 

Anna brings an entrepreneurial flair to all her ventures, all deeply-rooted in her life's purpose to help others, both in her native Rwanda and here in Sonoma. Seated outside Bon Marché Thrift Store, enjoying a Rwandan brew from her new Coffee Cart, Anna tells Anna... Continue


The highly sensitive person: Those with this little-known trait think more deeply and feel more empathy. But they also deal with significant challenge Continue