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Catherine Sevenau: Why Am I Here?

Dharma: “We’ve been brought here for a very short time, against our will, and we don’t know why.”  I love that line. But what is the point of our birth, life and death? Why are we here? What is our purpose? These thoughts keep some... Continue

Blocking internet

New research shows how blocking mobile internet can significantly boost one's mental health, focus, and well-being Continue

Bob Edwards: Relax, It’s America

At press time, the country is freaked out (a/k/a “aghast”) at the seemingly endless violence sweeping the Nation. Shootings, stabbings, explosions and riots seem to be constant, and vile exchanges (e.g., “#!!&*% you, too!”) flood social media.   But relax. Just Relax.  We can handle this.... Continue


Given that sleep is essential for the body to repair and restore itself, why can some people get by with less sleep? Continue

Jessie Marioni – Tattoo Artist

By Larry Barnett When I was growing up in the ‘50s the only tattoos I saw were on the arms of working men, either patriotic images of Stars and Stripes or hearts emblazoned with the word “Mother.” The world of tattoos has changed, however, and... Continue


How long can fossil fuel dominance last? The Stone Age didn’t end because the world ran out of stones Continue