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Green eggs and virtual ham

Storytime at Home: Sonoma County Library children’s librarian Kim Dargeou has recorded a series of video story times that are available online.

Are your littles ones missing their story times at the library? Now, the library is bringing “Storytime at Home” to your computer or mobile phone. A schedule of weekly story times, craft activities, easy science projects and read-aloud programs for older kids are now online.

Featuring Sonoma County Library children’s librarian Kim Dargeou, the short videos with “Miss Kim” are a great break for parents who want to offer their children a connection to the library.

Dargeou is sheltering at home, like many, but creates videos many times a week with Max LiBearry, her big stuffed bear at her side. The videos may cover popular children’s books, songs in English, Spanish or French, and simple science or crafts activities. More videos by other librarians will be posted in the coming weeks.

Selected videos are presented in Spanish, with an introduction by bilingual librarian Fredy Gonzalez.

Log onto YouTube and look for Sonoma County Library, or follow the library on Facebook to see all the videos and discover the library’s extensive digital resources.

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