A huge cloud of smoke from Napa’s Hennessy Fire, seen from Brocco’s Barn in Sonoma. Photo: Michael Doyle.
Supervisor Susan Gorin’s office had received requests about alerts, maps and emergency info, so the D1 team put together the following list of resources.
Note that all of these will be updated or are not time-dependent—you can save this message and refer to it again and again.
Also note that only those who live in current Mandatory Evacuation zones or those under Evacuation Warning are receiving Nixles and SoCo Alerts.
Links and Resources:
- Nixle is used by various Law Enforcement and Fire Agencies throughout the county. To review current Nixles and make changes to your account: https://local.nixle.com/county/ca/sonoma/
- SoCo Alert is used by Sonoma County Department of Emergency Management to notify residents about threats to life or property. To sign up and create a managed account for SoCo Alert:https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/BF7053564662
- For current Evacuation Information and to view the Sonoma County Evacuation Map: https://socoemergency.org/evacuation-update/
- To see a map of all of the Evacuation Zones for the Unincorporated County: County Evacuation Zones
- Napa County Nixle (for the Hennessey/ Gamble/15-10/Spanish/Markley fired around Lake Berryessa): https://local.nixle.com/napa-county-oes
- Consider downloading emergency apps like Pulsepoint and Code Red on your mobile phone
- Napa County wildfire site: https://www.countyofnapa.org/2966/19746/LNU-Wildfires
- CalFire Incident Reports for the LNU Lightning Complex Fires (Sonoma, Napa, Lake, Solano counties combined): LNU Lightning Complex Fire
- Wind direction impacts fire spread and smoke drift. You can monitor winds here: https://www.windy.com/
- Wildfires can impact air quality. Monitor local air quality at https://www.airnow.gov/ and https://www2.purpleair.com/
- Tune into local radio for updates:
- KSVY 91.3 FM; KSRO 1350AM/103.5FM/94.5FM and https://www.ksro.com/
- On Facebook, follow County of Sonoma, Sonoma Sheriff, CalFire Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit
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