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GirlTalk: Fitness in the New Year

Creating health and fitness in the New Year is the theme of the January 16 educational event offered in the GirlTalk discussion series on women’s health topics, sponsored by Sonoma Valley Hospital. Experts will discuss how improved diet, mindful movement and a positive attitude can help you create a new you in 2015.

LC headshotTopics and speakers for this session include “Fifteen Minutes of Fun – Energize Your Day By Remembering to Play!” as LC Arisman, SSU-CHN, shares how to include fitness in your day by finding ways to create movement and, most importantly, have fun doing so. LC is the Health Navigator at Compass, the special collaboration between Sonoma Valley Hospital and Parkpoint Health Clubs, where she helps people articulate their health goals and create a health action plan.

In “Setting Yourself Up For Success – Creating A Positive Relationship With Food,” Allison Evanson, RD, MS, will discuss the importance of intuitive eating by listening to your body and establishing good habits and a home environment that promotes lifelong healthy eating. Allison is the SVH Clinical Nutrition Coordinator and Outpatient Dietitian and works with clients to develop individualized nutrition plans to improve health and well-being.

GirlTalk will be held on Friday, January 16, from 6 to 8 pm at MacArthur Place, 29 East MacArthur St., in Sonoma. There is no cost to attend GirlTalk. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. To reserve a place, call Celia Kruse de la Rosa at 707.935.5257 or email

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