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Meet the community on the new KSVY Morning Show

The local 91.3 KSVY Morning Show has been reformatted and broadcasts Monday through Friday, 8:AM- 10:AM, provide listeners an opportunity to experience high-quality, multi-faceted and interesting people who make up the current events and life of Sonoma Valley. The five Morning Show hosts are Marcia Macomber, Daedalus Howell, Jennifer Blackwood, Leslie Tippell and Christa Granton. Each host presides over a different day of the week.

The program is available on radio, KSVY TV or streaming over the internet.

The Morning Show is produced by Takeshi Lewis and Bob Taylor. KSVY has a fresh new vibe now that it is “employee owned”; listeners who want to appear on The Morning Show to talk about an event or just talk about something cool, should send an email to Takeshi at

Topics include: Kenwood and up-valley news; environmental issues, ecology, and permaculture; child raising, education, and library news; County updates, the Springs, and city council reports; water, groundwater, and water agencies; food, food prep, and restaurants; NGOs and non-profits; business and Chamber news; health and hospice; entertainment, events, and venues; music, art, theater, comedy, and Culture; bikes, sports and raceway; astronomy, tech, and photography; La Luz and Latino focus; teen issues and seniors opportunities; tax and finance; history, preservation, writing, wine, New Age, UFOs, counseling, and pets, among other topics.

Interesting guests such as Caitlin Cornwall, Jack Ding, Lisa Musgrove, Patricia Shults, Ron Leal, Cheryl Wilkins, Veronica Vences, Susan Gorin, and Tom Rusert have all been on the show.


  1. Jack Shmolie Jack Shmolie

    Let’s hope the small talk is held to a minimum , and some kind of interesting music gets played . Been a good deal of babble a lot of the time . And the laughing hyena is unbearable . At least there is some decent music shows that play things not heard on inane commercial radio .

    • Jack Shmolie Jack Shmolie

      And for crisakes ,get rid of that fraud fortune teller on Mondays . BORRING !

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