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District’s ‘farm to school to student’ food program

Over the past several years, we’ve added new programs to the Sonoma Valley Unified School District food service offerings and expanded our school garden and lunch program. Our efforts are focused on providing students at every grade level with access to nutritious meals and horticulture experiences. Visit our schools today and you’ll find flourishing gardens, children excited to learn about planting, harvesting, cultivating, and preparing foods.

This school year, we will serve 1,200 breakfasts and 2,100 lunches per day. Every school has a garden. Many foods are served from local gardens and farms. School lunch and the school garden programs are exciting to students. Participating in the garden and horticulture programs becomes an education pathway.

Our students have access to 10 different fruits and vegetables each day along with freshly prepared breakfast and lunch options, including fresh baked goods. The Daily Specials keeps the menu exciting to kids without compromising quality. Through the commitment of educators and parent volunteers, we continue to support students through the school garden programs.

Cody Williams, Food Services Manager, has developed new programs. Depending on the season, nearly 80 percent of our offerings to students are locally grown products. “We are continually developing community relationships”, says Williams. “I find ways to partner with an organization like Center of Ecoliteracy, to lay the groundwork for new ideas and programs I can bring to the schools.”

A full cycle approach supports better nutritional choices and aligns the curriculum with common core standards. Benefits of our healthy, organic, sustainable garden and agriculture programs help build community with our local farms, schools, children and parents. October Harvest of the Month curriculum focused on Walker Apples. Learning about apple varieties, nutrition, and the local farms captures the attention of students.

The benefits of nutritious school lunches and farm to school programs are proven to increase cognitive and academic performance and reduced absenteeism. We are committed to these programs because the health and wellness of our students are important. Building community is important. When we see kids at every grade level excited about making healthy food choices and preparing foods from their gardens, it’s encouraging.

At Prestwood Elementary, parent volunteer Sarah Anderson maintains the school garden. Sarah works with the students and parent volunteers to plant and cultivate. Students visit the garden with teachers for curriculum-based learning. There is nothing like watching the excitement in a student’s eyes as they see the results from planting a seed, watering, to harvesting, and preparing and savoring their culinary creations.

At a recent Sonoma Valley Education Foundation meeting, Altimira Middle School Students involved in the horticulture program greeted us for lunch. The students prepared and presented us with an organic salad made fresh from their school garden. Deb Garber, SVEF Board Chairperson recalls “The students enthusiastically served the salad to each person in the room.” “I remember their confidence as they spoke and answered questions from the group. The salad was prepared with fresh greens and persimmons grown at their school garden, and their amazing pomegranate dressing was so delicious.”

We have a dedicated staff throughout the District supporting these programs. Encouraging collaboration and innovative ideas in the food services and school gardens helps to benefit students. Reminding ourselves “It takes a Valley” helps encourage and support student academic success and wellness. Your partnership in this commitment to our students is appreciated and valued, and I remind myself daily of the grateful bounty our community has to offer.

Our menus are accessible via your mobile device by visiting, as well as applications for our free and reduced meal program can be accessed on the District website.



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