This election year marked the 95th anniversary of Sonoma Valley Union High School passing a bond to build the new Sonoma Valley High School. I’m excited to say the commitment to education prevails in Sonoma Valley with the passing of Measure E.
To say I’m deeply grateful for the Sonoma community for supporting Measure E and investing in our children, schools and future is an understatement. The official results came in at 70.4 percent approval rate for Measure E, which is unprecedented. I’m deeply commitment to the Sonoma community to deliver on the promises this measure will bring to the students, teachers and schools, and community.
Prior to the ballot measure, the district invested significant time in surveying the community to ensure the collective voice of parents, educators, stakeholders, and all those investing in the education of our youth was represented. Within a week after board approval, a small campaign committee formed and began the process of a fast-paced campaign that would later prove to be effective and successful.
The long hours and determination of everyone who helped during the election was unmistakable. I’m proud to say the approval of this measure sustains the district’s ongoing effort to support every Sonoma child from “cradle to career” and ensures that they will be learning in an environment that promotes and values quality education focused on acquiring the skills they need for the most-in-demand jobs. The value the community has placed on this investment in the future speaks volumes about the passion this community feels towards students and education.
I would like to thank the many staff, students, community members, and parents who supported the measure by endorsing, volunteering to phone bank, distributing information, visiting homes, assembling packets of information, organizing volunteers, waving signs, and spreading the message to our community. Special thanks to the Valley of the Moon Teachers’ Association and the California Service Employees’ Association, Chapter 376 which supported these efforts at every level. Tireless commitment is how I would describe the efforts of everyone who helped with this measure.
As I reflect on the many opportunities to talk to parents, educators, and community members from every corner of our district, I’ve appreciated the honesty and openness from everyone.
During this election process, I received feedback from the community about the desire for continuous communication improvements and transparency related to bond projects. I am committed to using our Measure E funds to deliver on the promised goals and projects set forth and will do so with transparency, accountability, and efficiency. The value of your investment is one I take personally and seriously.
In addition to providing you timely information about the projects, timelines, and renderings, we will also have an online site where these documents can be viewed. I will continue to report on education initiatives and our daily operations, as well as enrichment and curriculum to support 21st Century Learning.
I invite you to be a part of the next step process. An oversight committee of parents, community members, business leaders, and students will ensure strict accountability. Your feedback and interest in sharing your ideas and vision for the future of Sonoma Valley School District is appreciated and welcomed.
Feel free to contact me to share your ideas and discuss how you’d like to be involved. Thank you again for your commitment to the youth of Sonoma Valley. I can be reached at 707.935.4246 or at
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