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When your doctor says ‘take a hike’

sugarloaf hiking

If your doctor feels you need some fresh air and a little exercise, the prescription just might be a walk in the park. Sugarloaf Ridge State Park is participating in the ParkRx program, where a prescription from your Sonoma County medical provider means a free pass to a series of fitness walks.

The program leaders will guide you eight weekly hikes, with the challenge increasing each week. The group’s final hike will be to the top of Bald Mountain where hikers can enjoy the stunning 360-degree vistas. Hikes will start at 9 a.m. at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park.

1) Aug. 5: White Barn to Uranus Sugarloaf. 2.2 miles, 80 foot elevation

2) Aug. 12: Meadow Hillside Loop. 3 miles, 250 foot elevation

3) Aug. 19: Stern Ranch/Pony Gate/Canyon. 3 miles, 500 foot elevation

4) Aug. 26: Vista Trail Loop. 4.5 miles, 700 foot elevation

5) Sept. 2: Neptune Picnic Table. 5 miles, 850 foot elevation

6) Sept. 9: Goodspeed to Bench. 4.2 miles, 1,000 foot elevation

7) Sept. 16: Grey Pine/Red Mountain. 5.3 miles, 1,200 foot elevation

8) Sept. 23: Climb to Bald Mountain. 6.2 miles, 1,500 foot elevation


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