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Age Hacking: 25 Tips for a Healthier Life

When it comes to getting older, the best coping strategy, though not the most practical, is denial. After all, you’re not getting older, you’re getting better — only with more ear hair. Then again, some practical tips could come in handy along the way. Here’s our list:

  • Don’t try to be hip with the lingo – or however you say that these days. Avoid the terms: Freakin, Whatever, Kick It, I’m Like…, LOL, Literally, and As If. And, full disclosure, the word ‘Hack.’
  • 1-taking-photo-of-nameplate-refrigerator-for-webTake a picture with your phone of where you park your car. Bonus tip: a photo of the inside of your refrigerator will help you remember what you need at the store.
  • In photos, avoid the dreaded ‘turkey neck’? Photographers recommend you stick your neck out and tuck your chin down.
  • Use nail polish to paint a colored dot on the end of your mom’s keys to help her remember which one unlocks what.
  • Use a hanging shoe rack to store cleaning supplies inside the pantry door. Nobody wants to crawl under the sink for that stuff.
  • Save time in the kitchen with these five tools: a really sharp knife; quality food thermometer; pressure cooker; garlic press; pizza delivery on speed-dial.
  • Get the most out of your smart phone. There’s an app (usually free) for just about everything: sending money, scanning documents, planning meals, monitoring grandkids, remembering all your passwords – even tracking how much time you spend on the phone.
  • When a friend borrows a tool or book (or money?), snap a photo of them holding it so you’ll remember later where it went. Just don’t let them borrow your phone.
  • Mark the side of your water bottle by hours so that you can keep track of what you’ve had to drink as you stay hydrated.
  • Give these things up immediately: the mini van, “more cheese,” the third martini, anything super-sized, including French fries and bulk items at Costco.
  • Pamper your feet., you’re going to need them. Buy the best, most comfortable shoes you can, price be damned. Then get a pedicure. If your fancy new shoes get smelly, stick tea bags in them overnight.
  • Put your belt in your pants before you put them on.
  • Have a special place for keys, wallet and remote controls. (There never seem to be an issue with missing purses). PHOTO
  • Don’t wear anything that you think makes you look younger – skinny jeans, pajama bottoms in public, hats, goatees, muscle shirts, stiletto heels – unless it really does make you look younger.
  • And while we’re at it, re-think the yoga pants and bicycle shorts.
  • More things not to do anymore: brag, the splits, Jello-shots.
  • What’s the best use of leftover wine? Actually, it’s a trick question. There is no leftover wine.
  • Make a decision and stand firm. You’ve lived long enough to pick a side.
  • images-2Observe the four keys to heart health you’ve always known but never quite stuck with: Exercise. Don’t smoke. Limit salt. Avoid processed foods.
  • Have sex, if only with yourself. It reduces blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks, strokes, prostate cancer; it boosts emotional health and the immune system, improves sleep, and reduces stress.
  • Do something selfless. Volunteer, donate blood, give money, take a pie to a neighbor.
  • Do something selfish. Shop with abandon at Sonoma Market. Go to a movie on a weekday afternoon. Test drive a Corvette.
  • When creating a password, the latest advice is to forget the random mess of irregular capitalization, special characters and numerals – if you could remember that in the first place. Experts now advise a single, long, string of random words – it’s more memorable, and harder to crack.
  • Find a foolproof way to remember your passwords (and don’t reuse them.)
  • imgres-1Embrace the senior discount. Yes, you’ve earned more through life than 10% off, but it’s a start.

— Val Robichaud

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