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Fire Relief Financial Assistance Program at La Luz

laluz-logoFire Relief Financial Assistance will be offered at La Luz Center through January 15, 2018.

The program will assist Sonoma County fire-effected families and individuals, and guarantee an efficient distribution of Redwood Credit Union-collected fire relief funds.

Up to $750,000 of funds may be disbursed, in amounts up to $1,000.

Applications will be taken on Wednesdays, until the Wednesday of January 3, at La Luz Center, 17560 Greger Street, in Sonoma Valley. Applicants will then be added to a waiting list, and called on Friday to schedule a half hour, one-on-one screening appointment the following week. Applicants will be informed of what types of documentation will be necessary to qualify.

Eligibility can be proven with an ID card, and by demonstrating economic hardship as a result of the recent fires, including but not limited to loss of income or home.

Before the interview, individuals should gather documentation and evidence of hardship, for example: a letter from employer, landlord etc. These documents should be brought to the appointment. After the interview, La Luz will process the application and call the applicant if anything is unclear. Applicants will be responsible for providing all relevant paperwork. Applicants will be called when checks are ready to be picked up.

The program does not offer cash assistance. All assistance granted is made through check disbursement only. Checks issued will be payable to landlords, property managers or to utility companies. Only under special circumstances will checks be issued to individuals.

For more information: Sandy Sanchez at 707.938.5131.


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