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Letters To The Editor

Why I boycott Mattson

I have always held the belief that people should be educated and informed on topics as much as possible in order to make a decision that works for them. It is especially true in these challenging times when there is so much information out there... Continue

Sonoma’s new empire builders hold objectionable views

Sonoma's Best Hospitality Group, a.k.a Ken and Stacey Mattson, have purchased yet another prominent property in our community, the iconic Sonoma Cheese Factory. A single entity buying up over 100 million dollars of Sonoma Valley properties is a big deal. What we know about the... Continue

School District prioritized sports over education

The Sonoma Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees decided to pour the money that we voted to go to the educational needs described in the Bond Issue to athletic fields instead. The field at Altimira is locked and as there are no students in... Continue

State Republicans mock Newsom’s latest Covid plan

  Governor Newsom recently announced another reopening plan, different from the July county watch list and the four phases announced in May. Six months and four substantially different plans. Gov. Newsom's latest color-coded, tiered system is furthest from the original purpose for the statewide shutdown--to... Continue

A big win for California taxpayers

Last Thursday, the Fair Political Practices Commission imposed one of the largest fines ever against Los Angeles County for using taxpayer funds for political ads touting Measure H, a sales tax increase on the ballot in 2017. The action by the FPPC was precipitated by... Continue

Stop the trauma, ICE

Why are we continually traumatizing human beings? My name is Nicole Abate Ducarroz and I am a 21-year resident of Glen Ellen, as well as having served on the local school board for over 15 years.  I am a wife, and a mother of three, and... Continue

Best use of County’s PG&E settlement money

Just as our community is facing an unprecedented housing, health, and economic perfect storm, the City of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County received their $245 million PG&E settlement dollars this month – an equally unprecedented and singular opportunity to take action toward solving these crises.... Continue

Sonoma’s homeless agency shares some good news

I thought I would share some good news with you. Sonoma Overnight Support has placed three homeless clients into Los Guilicos Village, temporary housing opened by the County on Pythian Road to take the overflow of homeless from the Joe Rodota Trail. Special thanks to... Continue

County must extend eviction protections

As the Board of Supervisors once again takes up a review of Sonoma County’s COVID-19 eviction moratorium, Sonoma Valley Housing Group urges [it] to strengthen the ordinance to reflect the ongoing rental housing crisis. While there are no statistics to adequately measure the current COVID-19... Continue