It has now been 20 months since the deadly wildfires of October 2017. As another fire season gets underway, it is still not clear what sort of warning system has been or will be put in place and how residents will be notified. Will it... Continue
Letters To The Editor
As has been shared by the district, I am moving on next year to become the Principal at my alma mater, Petaluma High School. It was an incredibly difficult decision for me to leave after one year, made even more difficult because of the incredible... Continue
Gil Latimer, of the Sonoma Valley Cannabis Group, responds to The Sun editorial 'Haven't you heard? The war on pot is over. " It’s important to understand that any process for a comprehensive cannabis ordinance is fairly detailed and time-consuming. Though the editorial takes a... Continue
What a brilliant and poignant article Mr. Maddox has written (Is Aging in Anyone's Sight?). Aging issues facing more than a quarter of our population get virtually no financial support (1% of Sonoma Valley charitable donations, as Maddox pointed out), local media coverage is paltry,... Continue
Socorro Shiels, your article in the Sonoma Valley Sun, "Dude, Be Nice," prompted me to write and wish you great success in promoting this idea over the next few years. The SVUSD Board with its new members is the right place to start leading by... Continue
We still don’t know what the Mattsons think or if they have changed their opinions since the social media posts. And more importantly it does not tell us if they or Tim LeFever are continuing to fund or front anti-gay and anti-women organizations. It appears... Continue
I've been alive long enough now to have seen every argument raised by businesses against raising the minimum wage, repeatedly, since the 1950s. To wit: It will drive businesses to close or move out of town; it will hurt other workers in higher positions and... Continue
I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I want to share my thoughts about a defamatory letter published in the Index-Tribune. [Last month] I received an anonymous letter at my City Hall mailbox. The letter included a copy of a decade... Continue
I recently learned about Ken and Stacy Mattson, who have bought many businesses and properties in Sonoma recently. I, and many others, find much of what we are learning quite troubling. Everyone has a right to their own opinion and their own vote. But when... Continue
EDITOR: This letter is a rebuttal to Will Shonbrun’s letter. Mr. Shonbrun is, as usual, promoting a socialist utopia by expressing the need for absolute government interference in business! Government does have a necessary role in some aspects of our personal and business lives. California... Continue