I read in the paper that the Castagnasso Clydesdale horse farm was up for sale. When my teacher showed my class, we were all appalled. Personally, I have been there with my friend, Kennedy Falcon, and it was absolutely amazing! Whenever I would pass the... Continue
Letters To The Editor
I find it a bit shocking that only one of your columnists wrote anything concerning the murder-suicide event that happened at the Yountville Vets home. Do you realize that the suicide rate among vets is somewhere around 20 per day in America? It is shocking to me... Continue
Ads for the ritzy Sonoma Valley Author's Festival have been popping up on every media platform. This looks like quite a production. The New York Times best-sellers A list will be at that party. After reading a comment from a local Sonoma resident, Jette Franks,... Continue
Most of us are aware that the Castagnasso property, East Spain at Second Street East, with the Clydesdale horses, is now being offered for sale. But you may not know that the RM zoning, has a zoning housing density that requires a minimum of 7 housing... Continue
I am appalled by the entitled shenanigans our community is being subjected to by the same developers we are all too familiar with by now, the platinum crowd who wish to have things their way or else. The nerve of threatening our city council and... Continue
The seventh round of NAFTA renegotiations just ended. As American negotiators look ahead to round eight, they should prepare to demand stronger protection of intellectual property rights. Robust IP protections would prevent Canada, Mexico, and other trading partners from freeloading off American ingenuity -- particularly... Continue
We are past and present SVUSD teachers and long time residents, and we are gravely concerned about some decisions our school district management is about to make. Their decisions will have a drastic impact on our classrooms and disrupt our ability to do the best... Continue
Thanks to Jonah Raskin for his article, "Pipe dreams: Will Sonoma miss out on the marijuana boom?", (Feb. 23). However, I would like to put a finer point on a couple of items. I am a former member of the Sonoma County Growers Alliance and... Continue
There is great excitement and positivity about our affiliation with UCSF Health. This new relationship will definitely take SVH to the next level and, because of this, we are much more optimistic about our future. Today, most hospitals are part of a collaboration and we are... Continue
Four Sonoma Valley nonprofits are dedicating their efforts to ensure that our students recover from the trauma and stress caused by the October wildfires. The Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance, Sonoma Valley Boys and Girls Club, Sonoma Charter School and Hanna Institute all are focused on... Continue