Robert (Bob) Dale Midgley Jr., surrounded by his loving family, passed peacefully in the early morning of Saturday, January 9, 2021. Bob was born in San Francisco on July 23, 1966, to Robert Sr. and Velma Midgley. Bob was a proud Sonoman attending Prestwood, Altimira... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Today Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-05) voted for the Article of Impeachment charging the President with inciting a violent attack on the Capitol to subvert our democracy and overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential election. Here is his statement: “Our institution of representative democracy is... Continue
The Sonoma Valley Rotary Foundation has awarded just over $100,000 to 134 local businesses with grants ranging from $500 to nearly $1,500 to help those businesses cope with the economic effects from the Covid-19 pandemic. The money came from $50,000 raised by Sonoma Rotarians and... Continue
Upcoming public meetings: Tuesday, January 26, Springs Municipal Advisory Council, 6:30 p.m. -- Agenda items include: COVID Vaccine Education and Outreach; Springs projects update; Hwy12 & W. Thompson traffic light-Karina Garcia; Shelter; and Emergency Preparedness. Webinar ID: 985 4530 4964. Passcode: 404502. Dial-in by phone: 669.900.9128. English/Spanish. Continue
Sonoma Valley Hospital will host a virtual Community Townhall meeting on Tuesday, January 12, 11:30 a.m., to explain how the COVID-19 vaccine will be made available to the public. SVH has begun vaccinating its physicians and staff, administering 323 first doses of the two-dose process.... Continue
Check out the cover art from our 2020 print issues. Why not subscribe and get the real thing? [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="29" gal_title="Sun covers"] Continue
After four years at the helm of the Sonoma Community Center, John Gurney has announced that he is stepping down as executive director effective July 1. A search for a new executive director is underway. Gurney plans to continue through June 30, or until a... Continue
Two Sonoma women -- the 21-year old driver and her mother -- were killed in a car crash this morning on Highway 12 east of Oakmont Drive. Californa Highway Patrol reported that at about 8:30 a.m, the young woman, traveling with her 44-year-old mother, lost... Continue
Meals on Wheels of Sonoma has continued its 47 years of service to the community, adjusting to the pandemic along the way. But after nine months of modified service, the ranks of its volunteer delivery crew is thinning. Help is needed. The nonprofit, explains Driver... Continue
The book Petaluma in Vintage Postcards, with backstories about Sonoma and General Mariano Vallejo, is the subject of the Sonoma Valley Historical Society's next Zoom lecture. The Second Saturday event, on January 9, welcomes authors Alice van Ommeren and KC Greaney at 2 p.m. The duo... Continue