“What is a homeless person who finds a home? A person.” -- Scott, currently homeless By Norma Barnett On February 11, the Sonoma City Council and City Staff held a well-attended public meeting to provide information about the political and financial aspects of homelessness. For... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
So... what is the best cop car? That’s a difficult question to answer. I would say my favorite patrol vehicle was the Crown Victoria! It was comfortable, and fun and easy to drive. The Ford Explorer was nice on the body as it was higher... Continue
It’s time for the City of Sonoma to accept its responsibility to its residents – those with homes, and those without – and decide it will be a part of the solution. By Rachel Hundley Homelessness is on many minds these days. It’s not a... Continue
Madison Genovese stars in the musical Daddy Long Legs, a new Sonoma Arts Live production running through March 8 at Andrews Hall. From the Tony Award-winning director of Les Misérables, the national hit is based on the classic novel (with its shades of Jane Austen,... Continue
A random passenger aboard a Princess cruise in Japan is making a very unscheduled stay in an undisclosed Sonoma County hospital after being quarantined for the COVID-19 virus. Officials say there is no cause for alarm, but will not identify the name of the accidental... Continue
Simon and Kimberly Blattner, philanthropists and active supporters of several Sonoma Valley community and cultural organizations, have been named 2020 Acalde and Alcadessa. The honorary title -- Spanish for Mayor -- is bestowed annually on those who take a leading, selfless role in community... Continue
Seventeen Sonoma Valley High School (SVHS) students recently returned from the North American Model United Nations conference at Georgetown in Washington, D.C. At the conference, over 3,000 students from across the U.S. and around the world come together to role-play being United Nations delegates... Continue
Using proceeds from a Classroom Grant awarded by Sonoma Valley Education Foundation, El Verano students, staff and community, in collaboration with ArtEscape, purchased bright and colorful paint to decorate their blacktop with designs and games. The upgrades serve to engage students with their environment and... Continue
The driver convicted of causing a 2015 car crash that killed two people on Highway 121 has been sentenced to two years in county jail. Christopher Shuman of Napa, 32, had been convicted of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter for causing the deaths of Richard and Fay... Continue
[caption id="attachment_100392" align="aligncenter" width="420"] A bus carrying passengers from the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship leaves Daikoku Pier on February 19, 2020 in Yokohama, Japan. (Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images)[/caption] The Sonoma County Department of Health Services (DHS) today confirmed that one case of a... Continue